
Say whattt…


   Hey there you all!!! I know, I know , I have not been the most active blogger. But you know what, I have been trying hard these days to cultivate some really good habits. Like jogging, I have been jogging regularly for the past month and I have never been so active.

    Most of the times I do these things to see how regular I can be and to actually check if I am as disciplined as I think I am. Anyways, I have been looking at lot of posts on my Pinterest about 365 days projects.

    I thought, why not? I know it would have been cool had I started on a new year, but why wait for tomorrow, if you can do it today? Right?  So here I am, with a 365 day drawing project. I have a list of things that I would be sketching daily and posting here on this blog. I am a noob you guys, so they wont be perfect or anything major. But I believe, drawing everyday, even small objects will be rewarding.


It's a shoe :P

It’s a shoe 😛

Here you can find the list of things I would be drawing and the blogger already has a gallery of things she drew from this list. Check it out.

    So, now it is your turn, not just drawing, you can take a photo every day, start writing journal , there are just so many fun things to do. Will you ever try this? If you will, what would you like it to be about. Tell me in the comment section below.

Love. Peace. Blogging.